Arson Attack on the Jewish Community Centre on 13 February 1970

Black and white photograph of a burning roof being extinguished by the fire brigade. Smoke rises from the skylights and the roof. Three fire ladders are leaning against the roof, three firemen are on the roof extinguishing the fire.
Members of the Munich fire brigade attempt to extinguish the fire under the roof at no. 27, Reichenbachstrasse, © City of Munich, KVR, Fire Department
Obituary of the Jewish Community of Munich with the names of the seven victims of the arson attack on the retirement home at Reichenbachstrasse 27.
Obituary notice issued by the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde München und Oberbayern for the victims of the arson attack and published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on 18.2.1970, © Israelitische Kultusgemeinde München und Oberbayern

Just three days after the thwarted hijack at Munich Airport, an antisemitic arson attack was carried out on the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde’s community centre and residential home at no. 27, Reichenbachstrasse in Munich on Shabbat, 13 February 1970. Seven people were killed, among them survivors of the Holocaust. The leadership of the ‘Action Organisation for the Liberation of Palestine’ (AOLP) – responsible for the airport attack on 10 February – subsequently denied any involvement. No other terrorist or political group claimed responsibility for the attack either. Despite much evidence and hundreds of leads from the public, the police investigations into various politically motivated milieus in the 1970s and once the case was reopened in 2013 did not produce any concrete results. To this day, no perpetrators or persons responsible have been identified.